September 27, 2011

I couldn't think of a good title for this. I think it might be because I'm so exhausted that my body is beyond the point of needing sleep. If I did go to sleep now I might never want to wake up.

Today is two three (!) very exciting things:

1. I have 20 new sisters today! Of the 27 girls we gave bids to, 20 accepted! This is a huge pledge for us; mine consisted only of 7 girls, which was a mixed blessing, because we're all so close, but it also sort of endangered the survival of our chapter. So ... 20 girls! It's like Christmas, only in September! Every single one of them is amazing, and there aren't any that I wouldn't want to be my little.

2. Today makes one month with my blue-eyed guy. Which is funny, because he had to ask me out twice. The first time was one in the morning and I had been sleeping on his chest on the couch for a while. I sort of have this tendency to have sleep conversations? Like, I'll be awake, but I won't remember anything about them in the morning. So apparently he told me how much he liked me and asked if I wanted to be his girlfriend, and I said yes and it was all very nice, but I didn't remember any of it, so he had to ask again the next day. But he did (thank goodness!), without complaint, although he may have definitely made fun of me for it.


yeah. top that.

September 23, 2011

Honey and the Moon

Don't know why I'm still afraid
If you weren't real I would make you up
I wish that I could follow through
I know that your love is true
and deep
as the sea
but right now
everything you want is wrong,
and right now
all your dreams are waking up,
and right now
I wish I could follow you
to the shores
of freedom,
where no one lives.

We're made out of blood and rust
looking for someone to trust
a fight
I think that you came too soon
you're the honey and the moon
that lights
up my night

But right now
everything you want is wrong,
and right now
all your dreams are waking up,
and right now
I wish that I could follow you
to the shores
of freedom
where no one lives

run away tonight
freedom freedom
run away
run away tonight

-- Joseph Arthur

on fire

So the roomie and I were lounging around in our pajamas late last night after conquering geology and math homework, not saying much of anything really (she was playing a video game and I was watching Whose Line Is It Anyway), but exchanging those kind of deep-seated sighs that happen when you have had the trying-est of trying days, when she suddenly said,

"I'm irrationally afraid of spontaneous combustion. I don't know why."

... say what?

And then we laughed hysterically for the next couple minutes until we realized that it wasn't nearly as funny as we had thought.

These are the things that happen when you don't go to bed on time.

Also, I bought a guitar yesterday. I saw it and had to have it. Now I only need to learn how to play it.

(details, right?)

September 22, 2011

holy wow

I can't even begin to tell you where life has gone. It's like I woke up today, and I've been at school for almost a whole month already. BAM! Gone. Just like that. Where is my life going? My roommate and I sat on our beds and moaned about this for a pitifully long time recently.

so! highlights:

- My classes are amazing. UH-MAZING. Except for Geology, but whatever. Totally saw that one coming. Most of them are environmental courses, so three or four days a week I'm outside, getting muddy and doing stuff with my hands and tromping around in waders. I feel like a little kid all over again - except hello, I'm getting college credit for it!

- Being back with my friends and seeing some that I haven't been around for over a year because of them studying abroad and me being abroad and all that and anyway, long story short, I MISSED THEM. So the first couple days involved a lot of jumping and squealing and crying but whatever, that's the prerogative of being female.

- Being back with my sisters. I didn't realize how much I missed them until I got back, but having 30 girls around to laugh and cry and have movie nights with and to always have your back is an incredible thing. OH YEAH AND I GET A LITTLE THIS YEAR. no big deal. I've only been waiting for this for FOREVER.

- I'm back at work! And so very happy about it. I MISSED MY JOB. Silly me. Everyone keeps asking, "Why are you back again? Didn't you have enough already?" I love it here, duh.

- My little brother got his Eagle Scout last weekend. I am SO proud! I may (or may not) or teared up during the ceremony. Stupid hormones.

- One of my friends has illegal pets in her room! At the risk of saying too much, they're white and have long tails and little noses. And while I'm not normally a fan of this particular kind of rodent, they are just SO cute! The one likes to sit on your shoulder and sleep, and if your cold heart doesn't melt just a little at that, well, I don't know what will.

- life is just so good, and such a blessing.

sinus infections notwithstanding.
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