Well, yesterday's post was exhausting to write. So today, something more fun:
Resolutions are my least favorite thing, because I can never keep them.
Something about the word and being forced to do things,
and let's face it, I'm not good with those kinds of ultimatums.
Instead, some 'ideas' for the new year:
Become a vegetarian
I hate this one. I am a huge carnivore.
Hot wings? Chicken fingers? Bacon? Shrimp? Barbeque of any kind?
Yes please.
However, in the interest of my health and trying not to put tons of crap into my body,
I'm going to give it a shot.
Starting today.
This is all A's fault, so if it goes badly,
I'll be blaming him and heading to the nearest Friendly's
for one of those honey barbeque supermelts.
With bacon.
Love people better
Also read as
"not be so selfish all the time."
There are a lot of wonderful people whose lives I am blessed to be part of,
and it's time I started acting that way.
This is also going to be hard.
I am not perfect, and sometimes I lose my temper more than I should
or ignore people when I want to be alone.
Not cool.
Not stress about life after school
Everything's going to be fine.
Simple as that.
Be thankful for my job
There are days that I sincerely hate my job.
Haaaaaate it.
But you know what? It's a good job.
I'm lucky to work with the people here (for the most part),
and the money is very good,
and they work around my schedule.
I get to learn and make an actual impact,
and thank God, I don't have to work
at McDonald's.
Dress better
This isn't as shallow as it seems.
One of the mottos I've always tried to follow is
"Dress for the job you want, not for the job you have."
It's all about being professional when necessary
and being in charge of the way people percieve you.
Which will get you far in life.
That's the theory, anyway.
If nothing else, it's a darn good excuse to go shopping.
Like I need more of those.
Share your not-resolutions with me?