March 06, 2012


Yes, I am on vacation.
Yes, I am taking a bajillion pictures.
And editing them. It's not an obsession.
No, my friends are not getting tired of me shrieking and pulling over the car to take more pictures (*healthy does of sarcasm*)
Yes, we have eaten in a yellow submarine themed restaurant, complete with painted portholes and fishy scenes.
Yes, we have colored in coloring books and painted our nails and watched the fiasco at our neighbor's house when he got carted away by an ambulance late at night (not strange at all).
Yes, we have visited the Island Creamery (one of the only restaurant open in the off-season), and contemplated visiting a million more times.
Yes, we have named every single pony we've seen. And every heron. And sand piper.
Yes, we have stayed up too late and eaten too much ice cream and waited patiently for it to stop snowing and the sun to come out.

And it has. 

Beach day numero uno, commence.

1 comment:

Amy Harris said...

ahhh i'm in desperate need of a vacation, and staying up late (wait i do that always) but i don't eat ice cream while staying up late... perhaps i should (:
sounds like you are having a great time.
love. amy.

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