your attention please.
We're doing something new and exciting around these parts.
In three days, I will be here:
Doing this:
Like these crazy people:
Yup. I signed up for the Color Run.
That's the CMY5K, for those of you other crazy runners out there.
I'm running a 5K. Holy crap. 3.1 miles of stupidity on my part,
because I am not a runner.
I am so freaking excited about this though!
The rules are simple:
You start wearing a white T shirt.
You make it to the end of the race however you want -
run, walk, jog backwards, whatever.
Along the way, people throw handfuls of powdered color at you,
so when you arrive at the finish line,
you look a little like this:
It's going to be totally brilliant.
I've been running more this week in preparation and working out more in general.
It feels pretty good.
Like when you're the one taking forever to get down the stairs
and your 60 year old co-worker goes around you,
because your legs are so sore.
I'm having a lot of fun with this.
Then again, so are my co-workers.
Being healthy is supposed to be fun.
Make it that way.
I'll be back with pictures from the actual race next week!
the race is Saturday, but you all have to wait til Thursday ;)
Tell me - how do you have fun with working out? I want to know :)
Tell me - how do you have fun with working out? I want to know :)