August 28, 2012

366 days ago

366 days ago, on the first day of my last first semester at college,
I marched into my 8:35 Geology class
and fell in love with A.
We looked at each other, and we just knew.
It was tummy-churning, starry-eyed
love at first sight.

No, wait. That's not what happened.
What really happened was more like this:

Of course I woke up late on the first day of classes,
so when I got there most of the seats were full
but I saw my good friend Jessie sitting all the way in the back
with an open spot between her and some kid I sort of recognized,
pushed my way grumpily to the back, and sat between them.

We introduced ourselves and did the usual "nice to meet you"
and realized that we'd all had a class together the year before,
that I didn't even remember him being in. (go me)
And then class was over and we went on our merry ways.

What I didn't know at the time, of course,
was that the kid was A,
and that he had a huge crush on my friend Jessie,
and had positioned himself a seat away from her for a very good reason.

Even after he and I started talking he was still crushing on her,
and spent a good deal of time trying to get up the balls to talk to her.
And I was trying to help him because I had no idea who this girl was
that he was stalking liked, and wanted him to be happy,
since we were sort of friends at that point.

Of course once we really started talking and hanging out,
he obviously realized that I was awesome,
and I thought he was pretty cool too,
and by the beginning of November we were dating.

So while I didn't know it for a few months,
I unwittingly cock-blocked my own boyfriend
from flirting with one of my best friends,
and made him fall in love with me instead.

And that, girls, is how you get a boyfriend in college.

The end.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Awww haha that is so cute. Too funny that he was crushing on your best friend, but hey, cock blocking is definitely the way to get a guy in college :)

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