October 10, 2012


That, my friends, is how much money I saved my company today. $22,500 is nothing to sneeze at. Do you think they're falling over themselves telling me how amazing I am? Nope. Life goes on.

Black nail polish for fall, I think yes. Yes, there are clothes on my back seat. Yes, I live out of my car most days. It keeps things exciting.

Cheer - up pumpkin and chocolates from my wonderful friends in accounting. At least they appreciate me. 

Gorgeous fall leaves in Canada, courtesy of my Juliefriend. Lucky duck has a family cabin up there. Their foliage puts ours to shame. Shame, I tell you. 

Lastly (but most exciting), A has informed me that he's coming to visit this weekend over his fall break. It feels like I've barely seen him this semester what with his crazy workload and everything else we have going on. Usually I barely get to see him for a full day, let alone a weekend. Guys, I'm so psyched :) Boyfriend weekends are the best kind of weekend! 


Amanda Schroeder said...

Yeah...those leaves are just absolutely gorgeous. Boyfriend weeks really are the greatest. I remember when I was in that boat. Long distance is tough...but definitely worth the wait. Waheee!

Congrats on the money save. You're just wonderful.

amanda @ we and serendipity

Amy said...

Aw yay! Hope you have an amazing weekend with the boyfriend :)

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