February 26, 2013

a newbie yogi's last wish

Forty minutes until imminent death.

One of my friends at work coerced me into signing up for a free Bikram Yoga class tonight. I didn’t really know what Bikram is, I just remembered yoga classes in high school where you got to fall asleep at the end for a few minutes while you were “breathing through the soles of your feet” or whatever. After I was good and signed up I figured I should probably do some Goolge-ing and find out just what it was I’d signed up for.

And hello, terrifying? They have you in this hot room, like one hundred degrees plus, doing all these crazy poses and moves and the whole 90 minutes you’re there, you’re sweating profusely and trying not to get overheated and die. Not exactly my idea of fun. They tell you to make sure you arrive hydrated so you don’t pass out, and bring water with you. Check. I’ve had so much water today that my insides slosh when I move.

Honestly, it would be funny if it weren’t so terrifying.

If this is my last post ever, I guess it would have been a little more deep and insightful, but I suppose I’ll just leave it with my final wish (because everyone knows that anything on the internet it must be true):

Lord, if I die tonight, please let some kind soul push my sweaty body to off my mat and to the side of the room so as not to be trampled by other sweaty bodies and feet, and let me lie there in peace, Amen. 

February 07, 2013

while mommy's away: this n' that thursday

Last night I had the absolute pleasure of watching this little monkey for one of my work friends while she was gallivanting around town, watching Spamalot with her parents. I love kids. Absolutely adore them. And this little dude is one of the cutest ones ever.

This: After three hours of playing pirate kings, building ships out of sofa cushions, reading elephant and little owl books, cuddling, and tucking one very sleepy little boy into bed, I caught myself thinking, maybe I could actually do this someday. For real. Scary thought ... and a good reminder to keep those ovaries in check. For now, anyway.

That: Tomorrow is finally (finally!) the day I get to go to San Diego! There's a giant snowstorm heading up the east coast - for some reason, they named this one Nemo? - and I'm so glad to be missing it. My bikini is packed, and you can bet I'll be on the beach, even if it's only sixty degrees and no one else is there. It's happening. 

Also, I've kind of been thinking about getting a Twitter account? Is it too late to jump on the bandwagon? Do I have thoughts that can be condensed into 140 characters or less?

These are the important questions in life.

Katie Did What

February 04, 2013

Here and There

I have been horrendous at this lately. Complete merde. I don't know what it is but it doesn't seem to be going away on its own, this lack of motivation thing, so I think sometimes you just have to force these things. 

One can fake gusto, right? Right. 

I'm not sure I like what this space has been, and I'm not quite sure what I want it to be so, you know, we're sort of in a winter limbo here. 

The best and worst blogging days are when you have no set plan as you log in, just that you have something to say darn it, and you're going to write it. Those are one of my favorite things to read on other people's blogs - the word vomit, train of thought, run on sentences that sometimes make no sense and are often hilarious and usually make you go, hey, me too! Solidarity, that's where it's at. 

I hate my blog design. It needs to be fixed, and I have no idea where to start. It's like those days when nothing you try on looks right and you just give up because really, it's too depressing to keep on keeping on. Blog problems.

I'm convinced Urban Outfitters knows how to push my buttons. They just know. 

Well hello there. 

A and I have been talking about what we want to do once he graduates. Since he lives a whole state and a two hour drive away, and we would like to be closer than that, I guess it's due time for thinking about adult things. It's been an on and off topic since I graduated, but now that we're looking at a deadline of sorts, we're kind of freaking out. At least, I am. There's just been so many "adult" type decisions lately that I'm having a hard time dealing with any of them.

Denial, it's not such a bad place to be.

It leads to a lot of cuddle time with kitties and yoga pants and eating all the Girl Scout cookies you ordered at one time.

How many months is it til swim suit season? 

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