February 26, 2013

a newbie yogi's last wish

Forty minutes until imminent death.

One of my friends at work coerced me into signing up for a free Bikram Yoga class tonight. I didn’t really know what Bikram is, I just remembered yoga classes in high school where you got to fall asleep at the end for a few minutes while you were “breathing through the soles of your feet” or whatever. After I was good and signed up I figured I should probably do some Goolge-ing and find out just what it was I’d signed up for.

And hello, terrifying? They have you in this hot room, like one hundred degrees plus, doing all these crazy poses and moves and the whole 90 minutes you’re there, you’re sweating profusely and trying not to get overheated and die. Not exactly my idea of fun. They tell you to make sure you arrive hydrated so you don’t pass out, and bring water with you. Check. I’ve had so much water today that my insides slosh when I move.

Honestly, it would be funny if it weren’t so terrifying.

If this is my last post ever, I guess it would have been a little more deep and insightful, but I suppose I’ll just leave it with my final wish (because everyone knows that anything on the internet it must be true):

Lord, if I die tonight, please let some kind soul push my sweaty body to off my mat and to the side of the room so as not to be trampled by other sweaty bodies and feet, and let me lie there in peace, Amen. 


Amanda Schroeder said...

haha! I sure as heck hope it doesn't kill you. Can't wait to hear about it though. I haven't even heard of that!!!


Amy said...

Hahaha okay I've TOTALLY done (and failed at) Bikram before, and let me fill you in on my lessons:

1) Do not eat Taco Bell within the hour before your class starts. Just don't.

2) If all else fails, lay in schavashansandjf or whatever that post is called. You might be embarassed that you've been lying on the floor during the last 3 poses, but everyone else is dying a little bit too.

3) You might feel like you're going to throw up, but you won't. Fight that urge to leave the class even though they have told you "please do not leave until the class is over."

And 4) You will feel BOMB after the class is over. You'll feel like you just got thrown into a swimming pool in your clothes, but you'll feel amazing.

Taking Bikram actually really helped build my endurance, even though I kind of sucked! And chances are, you'll be WAY better than me. Most people are, I hear!

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