August 17, 2011

choices, choices

There are a lot of things that I could let get me down today - if I wanted.

I could be upset that one of my best friends is sort of in love with me (at least he thinks he is), and for that reason, is refusing to speak to me.
I could be upset that as a result of the above drama and emotional eating, there are several (more than several?) unwanted pounds hanging out in my hip / ass region (so not cool).
I could be upset that I'm stuck in an office on the first sunny day we've had in a week.
I could be upset that school starts in a little over a week, and I am so not ready.
I could be upset about how I don't have nearly enough money to get through the school year.
I could be upset about a million other, stupid trivial things.

... But why would I want to dwell on them?

Instead, I've made it my mission today to find things that make me smile. And you know what? They're everywhere.

Exhibit A: Emails from coworkers.

From: Daryl ----
To: Emily ----
Feeling better today?

From: Emily ----
Much J thanks!

From: Daryl ----
Good to hear… now get back to work.

Exhibit B: Inspirational pictures from Pinterest (anyone else completely obsessed?)

Exhibit C: Best friends

There's no picture for this one, but I get to spend this evening with mine, stalking making friends with the cute salesman at Best Buy. He is so not my type, but he's hers and she's creepy like that. The girl wants what she wants; you gotta give her credit for that.

So today, instead of letting the little things get into your head (hips?) and weigh you down, look for the things that make you smile. Make the choice to be happy and find joy.

It is so worth it.

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