August 25, 2011

Up A Tree

Hurricane season is so not my favorite.

Dear Irene,
I'm over you. Please stop ruining my last week of vacation with your dreariness and torrential downpours that make having decent hair at work a pipe dream. I guess I should thank you though, because when I look out my office window and see rain it isn't nearly as bad as watching a perfect sunny day go to waste. So, thanks for that. Kinda.

We did have a few gorgeous days though, and tomorrow promises to be the last one before we get hit for real on Sunday (college move-in day, of course). I get to go to the beach one last time with my blue-eyed guy, which is super exciting because I am such a beach girl. Or, I would be, if I didn't have an 8-5 M-F real-life grownup job (what's with that, anyway?).

Pictures from gorgeous sunny Wednesday, when the BFF and I went to the museum grounds to take advantage of the sun:

(We took a lot more, but they're on my laptop. At home. Which is helpful to precisely no one.)

I was hoping to have something witty to close with ... but nope. It's my last full day of work so all of my energy is elsewhere. Or just non-existant. You choose.

If it's sunny where you are, go climb some trees for me, and be happy :) It's a waste of time to be anything else.

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