May 25, 2012

apartments and such

My best friend of seven years and I are apartment hunting. Now that I've graduated and she's starting online classes, it seems the world is telling us that it's time to move out and move up in life. Except, as we're finding, the two don't necessarily equate. Moving out, it's looking like, is going to mean some serious downgrading. We weren't not expecting that, honestly. There was no fantasy about the "perfect" place, that was cheap but charming, like in Friends or How I Met Your Mother, but to sit down and actually write out all the numbers and see how much we'll be spending - on top of student loans and other payments - is overwhelming.  What kind of heat? Is water and sewer included? What kind of vacuum should we buy? What about furniture? Is Craigslist safe to buy things off of? 

So, like any mature adults would do, we closed our laptops, got out the Ben and Jerry's, and watched The Proposal instead. 

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