April 02, 2012

a note to my typically dramatic self

I've been thinking about this a lot today.
There are so many things in my life that I thought would be the end.
The end of a life, the end of a relationship, of a friendship, of a chapter in my story, of life as I knew it.
That life afterwards wouldn't be the same, but more importantly, that I would never be able to be as happy as I was before. 

Never. The end. Life after.

They all sound so final, so dramatic, like the flat-lining of a heart monitor. 
But they aren't really, are they? 
Obviously life goes on.

So life after graduation is going to be strange. I'm going to have to get used to another life.  I won't be surrounded by the people I've cared deeply about for four years - at least not on a daily basis. I won't have class or a highly regimented schedule, or easy access to a gym, or student discounts. It will be different. And no, I probably won't like it at first. 

But I will get used to it, and I will love it, and everything will be okay. Even better things are on the way. 

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