April 13, 2012

thoughts on coral

Ever whack the space between your knuckles really hard on a really sharp edge of a really hard surface? And then yell "Oy!" really loud, because that's the best non-profane word that you can think of when you're crumpled in pain? And ever have that happen when you were reaching (over)excitedly for food?

Holy guacamole, that hurts.

Anyway. Thoughts on coral? Anybody have some?

It's a warm color so it works well with my skintone, and I firmly believe that the second that gorgeous color is on my body somewhere, I start emitting a goddess-like glow. That is a fact.

In short, I love it. So I bought some today.

Check out that super high-quality phone picture there. Ooohhhh yeah.

Some other coral (or otherwise pink) beauties:

(all images from Pinterest, God bless that site)

Aaaaaand now that I think about it, 2 out of those 3 gorgeous pink things are of the beverage variety. I'm not a drinker, but it's certainly been that kind of a week.  

** I know you were all chomping at the bit to see those hairy men in dresses, but those pictures need editing and tweaking. And good things are worth waiting for. **

1 comment:

Andrea D said...

I bang my elbows, toes, knees and shins into door frames, table legs and corners of countertops on a daily basis. I feel your pain! Literally...haha.
Coral is such a pretty color on so many skin tones. Looks pretty!

Left brain, right brain, pug brain.

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