July 09, 2012

the best thing about air conditioning

the sink cat herself, before her spot was ruined

So last night before I went to bed, I was all "I'm going to set my alarm early and get up and run and eat breakfast at home and go into work early and maybe even shave my legs and take a picture of my outfit!" And I went to sleep happily thinking about how productive I was going to be.

And then this morning when my alarm went off at 5:30 my body was all "you crazy, bish! go back to sleep!" So I did. And then I was late to work, without shaved legs or an outfit post.

Which makes for a pretty good start to Friday, if you ask me. It's supposed to be over 100 tomorrow, so I'm going to A's for the weekend to live in his pool. I'm also making him take me to see a movie. A) movie theatres are air conditioned. B) we have never gone on a movie date. Ever. Which is mostly because we're cheap, but whatever.

Oh! And in the category of "really exciting news!" ... we got an air conditioner!! And okay, so it is only a window unit and it's in the kitchen so my mom actually cooks dinner (note to self: withholding dinner is a perfectly acceptable way to coerce your husband into buying you things). But it is the coolest part of the house now ... and get this. The stupid cat - until now - had this habit of sitting in the sink and throwing herself against the screen to get at birds at the feeder outside. Now that the AC is there instead, she just sits in the sink and glares at it.

It is so perfect.

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