July 05, 2012

the thing about picnics

... is that sometimes they can be super, super awkward.

Yesterday A drove up from Maryland so we could go to a Fourth of July picnic that a college friend of ours was having. I was pretty excited, since I hadn't seen him in 5 whole days. Which sounds lame, but after spending pretty much the entire summer with him until last Friday, it's been weird.

So anyway, we went to this party. And it was strange.

Our friend also had a bunch of his friends from home there, which was cool, but we didn't really have much to talk about with them.

So yeah, obviously we weren't going to be bffs with any othese people. The commonality factor, not so much there. But I did feel kind of bad that we didn't make any new friends.

Plus all the burgers (both the veggie kind and the "real" kind) all tasted like lighter fluid.

Also I forgot to take any pictures during the day, other than this one, because I was bored waiting in the toll booth.
Which sucked but at least I'm not the last person on earth to not have an EZPass, like A is convinced I am.

Hope all your fourths were excellent, and that no one was throwing firecrackers into the pool next to the autistic kid at your parties, because that's what was happening at ours.

1 comment:

Elizabeth @ Love Is the Adventure said...

Mmmmm...lighter fluid burgers. My favorite.

That sounds extremely uncomfortable. I would been out of my depth with those people myself. Awkward!!!!

So glad I found your blog - I am so excited to keep reading.

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