July 18, 2012


My parents always taught me that time is precious. That it should not be wasted. Now that I'm a grown-up in all the legal ways of the word, it's finally hitting me how right they are. Working from 730 to 5 every day doesn't leave much time for doing things that are for me, like being with my family, spending time with friends, or cooking, or photography or reading or painting my toe nails, whatever. It's like, sometimes you know your parents are right but it takes something to actually make it sink in, you know?

Since working full-time I feel like my actual life happens in glimpses, in those precious few hours that are all mine. I got to spend a few hours back at UC with some of my sisters the other night, picnicking on the lawn in front of the library and slapping at mosquitos in the dusk. I haven't been back there since graduation but those few hours made me realize that I will always feel at home there.

And okay, so a good deal of our conversation was about weird stuff, like Ari's new personal trainer and how he looks like the most attractive man ever times a million, and how Eva and I don't like feet (does anyone else call sweat "feet juice?" no? didn't think so), or how Rachel is starting acupunture, which freaked the rest of us out a lot. But that's what sisters are like, really. Telling your weirdest stories and laughing at everyone else's, and for taking weird statue pictures and stuff like that.

I don't get to see my friends nearly as much as I'd like to. I don't get to be around my family much, either. Part of adulthood is realizing that, I guess, and finding ways to appreciate the little times you have with the people who make your world go round. Cause, you know, that's the important stuff.

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