October 13, 2011

Slow Loris

It's midterms week at my place of higher education, which means that my brain looks a little like this:


... For real, how cute is he? to me, he looks a little like a Slow Loris, and if you don't know what that is, GOOGLE IT. Google it right now.

Everybody together now! D'aww ...

(*abrupt transition*)

Between working and seven classes and sorority stuff I'm very nearly exhausted ... and yes, I know I do this to myself. My parents, for better or worse, always had very high expectations of me growing up, and I've carried that over into my (semi)adult life by always taking on too much and expecting a lot out of myself. I haven't failed at anything I've tried to do yet, and I love a challenge, so it's not always a bad thing. I've always struggled with finding balances in my life, especially during a week like this, but I'm so grateful for all the opportunities I've recieved lately.

Like I've made a new friend in the past month (okay, a lot of them), but this one in particular stands out. He is kind and thoughtful and sarcastic and very, very funny.

My little has not figured out any of the clues I've left her so far! I can't wait until Big-Little reveal on the 22nd! She's so sweet and I love her so much ... and she doesn't even know it.

My fall break is this weekend, and I get to catch up with a bunch of old friends from home, who somehow have put up with me for years upon years and still want to be around. I would have never gotten through those awful, angsty teenage years without them (somehow they seem so long ago!).

And last but definitely not least, this guy:

except just kidding, because apparently I don't have the picture saved on my work computer.

... come on, brain.

that's all I've got, kids. So I'm gonna leave you with this wise, wise advice:

"There's always money in the banana stand"

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