November 23, 2011

There are a lot of things that I love about Thanksgiving. Let's start with the obvious: food.

Filling / Stuffing (whatever your heart desires)
Green Beans
um, Gravy (favorite)
Pie (second favorite)

Just looking at that list is making me hungry.
I cannot wait to make my own Thanksgiving dinner for my own imaginary family someday.
Like, I have the meal all planned out already. Psychotic? Possibly. I'm not ashamed.

Also, football. So much football.
And poking my dad when he falls asleep watching football, so that he spazzes violently and sputters angry things.
Life's little joys.

But more than all these things I love being home and being around the people I care about, even if it is only for a few days. Being away from them for weeks or months at a time makes me appreciate them all the more.

So God, thank you for my family and friends and the time I get to spend with them this week. You've given me a lot to be thankful for this year, more than I could have ever hoped for. (And thank you for the food. Good food is hard to find at college.) 
Love, me

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