September 20, 2012

I Believe In ...

Linking up with Erin at Living In Yellow today :)

I Believe In ...

Making at least one person's day, every day

Best friends, the kind you can text and say "I'm making dinner at your house tonight" 
and they welcome you with open arms and a cheese grater

or at the Cheesecake Factory. either way.

Eating homemade Mac & Cheese until you can't move, and laughing until 
it hurts

Honesty, always

Boyfriends that are your best friend, unconditionally, and never let you forget it

(and also our friend Travis. hey there, Travis)

Old black and white love movies

The healing power of Meg Ryan

best scene ever, yes?

Learning how to stand up for yourself


Having fun with your parents - and learning how to appreciate them

The beauty of grace

Cowboy boots, good food, and that a good hug can fix
almost anything 

Never taking yourself too seriously 


What do you believe in today?

1 comment:

Brie said...

Found you through the I Believe Link Up! Great thoughts and I am in LOVE with When Harry Met is my go to when I'm in a bleh moment!

Newest follower!

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