September 18, 2012

Me Myself & I

Happy Tuesday! Today I'm linking up with Breanna, Shane, Kristen, Danielle, Jenna, and Amanda for their Me Myself & I link up party!

1. When you're feeling down, what do you do to pick yourself up?
Depending how crappy I feel, any of the following:
Eat. A lot.
Go for a run.
Watch She's the Man (this is for serious emergencies)
Buy something frivolous like nail polish or tea.

2. If you had to live in a different time period, which would you prefer?
Hands down, the mid to late 1800's. For a few years I was involved in Civil War re-enacting and I loved every second of it. Although sleeping outside in tents I maybe could have done without.

3. What is the most creative Halloween costume you've ever worn?
When I was little, my parents used to make my brother and I the craziest costumes!
One year I was a zombie and my brother wore a cardboard box with just his head cut out and a 
pot on top. When our neighbors opened their door,
I pulled the pot off his head and they screamed ...  it was a great Halloween :)

4. Name five weird things about yourself we've never know otherwise. 
- two of my toes on each foot are slightly webbed together
- I will never, ever eat a brussel sprout
- libraries are one of my favorite places. A teases me because I say they "smell like knowledge." He says they smell like cat ladies.
- people with bad tempers terrify me
- I am absolutely terrified of having babies

5. What would you tell your 16 year old self? 
That older guy is nothing but trouble. Run - don't walk - away.


missmeggy said...

well, libraries do smell like knowledge and it's one of my favorite places too!Or maybe I'm just a typical bookworm.hehe!dropping by from the Me Myself and I link.:)


Simply Evani said...

Found you over a the MMI link up! I started my (first) blog post-grad too so we have that in common! :) That pot costume sounds hilarious. And I loooooove libraries, the books definitely have a special smell to them.


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