January 01, 2012


So it's been ages and ages guys, sorry! Real life's been crazier than usual, and I don't have time for a real post, but I thought I would share with you a snippet of my life today. One of our awesome neighbors stopped by to chat, and there were some real gems in the conversation. I swear, the people I go to school with would never believe my life back home.

neighbor - my daughter met that slanty-eyed guy from the TV show the other night at a bar. the one with all them kids?
me - you meet jon gosselin?
neighbor - yeah, him. turns out he lives right down the road there on 27 acres. so she talked to him for a while and she said he was real nice. and when she got home i asked her, "well, did you ask if we could hunt there?"

(sadly, she did not)

my dad - so your kids are all good?
neighbor - yeah, the youngest is out on a goose hunt with some of his buddies and my daughter's working
my dad - what about kyle?
neighbor - oh, he was out hunting yesterday. he's home, stuffing a bobcat.

(kyle is a taxidermist)

what a new year's day.

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