April 10, 2012

"no, we named the monkey Jack"

Me: I got my first loan disbursement paperwork today.
Roommate: Your lungs? What's wrong with your lungs?
Me: My lungs?
Roommate: You said you got your first lung disbursement today?

It's been a strange day, friends. 

You know, the kind of day where weird things come out of your mouth and you fall asleep twice in the library and wake up to your boyfriend poking you in the nose, quite happily.

The kind of day where you've done so much work that by 8 o'clock all that's left to do is rent the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean movie, even though you know it's going to be absolutely terrible.

The kind of day where you only got four or so hours of sleep because you kept remembering more work you had left to do, and needed to get up at six to get more done, and only slept between strange nightmarish segments that you can't quite place in the morning. 

It must be the bronchitis medication. 

As it turns out, one should go to the doctor early on when they are sick, and not assume that it is only allergies. Listen to your body! 

I'm not at all impressed with this movie so far ...

At least one can say that Geoffrey Rush is always a charmer. 

(Except Jack is blonde in this movie? What gives?)

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