September 12, 2012

7 Questions with Gentri Lee

Everybody likes "7 Questions," right? 

Maybe not. Maybe you're just going to push the little "x" on my tab and that's okay because work sucks today, A got me sick when I went to visit yesterday, I got a stupid parking ticket that I have to deal with now (not deserved, btw), and my stupid pinky is bent back from not being able to catch footballs, and so this is the most inspired I can get today. 

You're welcome.

1. Do you have any weird food combinations that you love?
Hmmm. I'm one of those weird people who mixes all their Thanksgiving food together, pours gravy on top and calls it a day. At least I used to be ... not sure if this works so well (or so deliciously) vegetarian style. 

2. Have you ever written a blog post, published it, then immediately deleted it?

Absolutely never. 

3. What is a hair style you wish you could pull off, but would never be brave enough to try?
Red hair. Beautiful, beautiful reddish auburn hair. The maintenance ... oh gawd.


4. Would you rather have to always use the sun to tell the time or directions by the stars?Definitely the sun. Either way, if it was cloudy I'd be screwed.

5. What is a fall trend that you are excited to try?
Ohhhh mustard yellow. And burgandy. And dark nails. And boots. So many boots. 

6. Who is your style icon?
Kate Middleton. Lady is classy. I don't think she's made a single faux pas yet. And she does her own hair and make-up. Sometimes I pretend she's the older sister I never had. Maybe I would have skipped all those awkward years?


7. What's your favorite outdoor activity? 
Hiking. Definitely hiking. There's something about going new places and being one with nature and getting your inner Pocahontas on that just gets me all giddy on the inside. Either that or laying on the beach. Sleeping is totally an activity. 


Amy said...

Ohh I like these 7 questions! I love Thanksgiving food covered in gravy too. Mainly for the gravy haha. And I could totally see you with gorgeous red hair!

Eeka Cupcake said...

this Thanksgiving will be interesting for me, because it will be my first vegetarian one! But I use to do the same thing :) My hair is red right now, but not for long. I hope your day has gotten better!


Gentri said...

I love hiking! It's the best. And you're right! If it were cloudy, we'd all be in trouble.

Janna Renee said...

These seven questions are always cute! I think we've all fallen for Kate Middleton. She is just so fabulous and seemingly down to earth for royalty. Hehe.

Anonymous said...

Oooo I love the idea of having red hair! Like the brownish red like the pic you posted of Julia Roberts. I could actually probably pull it off because I have fairly light skin, but I have never died my hair and probably never will...wigs anyone? haha

And your Pocahontas reference made me smile : ]

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