September 11, 2012

How To: Keep it SSC

On my blogroll lately I've been seeing a lot of relationshippy advice-type things. They range from shockingly honest to cute and everywhere in between, and I've been getting an absolute kick out of reading them. So I thought I'd share my own personal tips, and then my top 3 lists from other bloggers.

From (almost) 23 years, I've learned a lot. Not that I've been dating for 23 years, that would be gross, but I guess there have been boys in my life for that long? So, you know, I've got a lifetime of knowledge. [Bonus points for naming that movie!] Either way, there are really only three big things you need to remember:

This goes for what you say, how you dress, how you act ... how you live in general, even, and not even pertaining to relations of the manlier sex.

1. Keep it Simple. Boys have different brains than we do. You might have noticed this by now. For the most part, they don't like clutter. This goes for outfits and conversations, and sometimes food, depending on the dude. Your guy wants to appreciate you. He cares about what's going on in your life, he likes when you make an effort to look good for him. Don't make it hard on the guy. Tell him how you feel, tell him what you want, tell him you love him. Wear things that are flattering, and not confusing. You go throwing in all sorts of statement necklaces and wacky prints and shoes that don't match your socks and his brain goes on overload.

2. Keep it Sexy. This is very much related to number one. Chances are that if you're with someone, he already finds you attractive. At least, that's the idea. Do the man a favor. Flirt with him a little. Let him know that you think he's great. Make him laugh, hold his hand, don't play stupid. If you have eyelashes, do that batting thing that I can never do. If you can't wink, don't try. Oh, and in case you haven't deciphered man-code yet, be confident. Confidence is sexy.

3. Keep it Classy. Your SO doesn't want to hear all about the women you hate in your classes/sorority/work place/mom's group. He doesn't want to know about what who said to who, and he doesn't want to hear you trash talk other girls. Even the best of us do it sometimes - it's just human. But the boy isn't the right person for that - that's what God gave us girlfriends for. Utilize them. This goes for clothes, too. Especially when you're in a relationship or stalking a specific someone. My mother is a firm advocate of the theory that the way you dress dictates the attention you're going to get, and I believe it too. If you aren't a street walker, please, please don't dress like one. You're worth more than that.

If you made it through all that - congratulations! You're three steps closer to understanding the elusive "man brain." And without further ado, my top three lists from other bloggers, and why you should read them!

1. Girl Code over at Shades of Gray and a Pinch of Pink: Everything Erin writes is absolutely hilarious, it's just a fact, but this is one of her best posts (at least, in my opinion). She advocates eating in front of your date, being honest - to a point, and bathroom etiquitte. [always important]
2. Raven did this little post earlier in the week called I Dress For Men. It's sort of blown up on the internet. You've read it? Then I need say no more. If you haven't ... fix that.
3. This morning, Jenni at Story of My Life posted a response to Raven's post, all about compromise, and how far you would go to please your man. This one really made me think a lot. This is something A and I talk about sometimes - how to compromise - and it's hard, but as Jenni talks about, it's worth it.

All of these posts are great, and there's a lot more coming in still! I know we're all got thoughts on this ... so let's hear them :)


Jenni@Story of My Life said...

GREAT post girl. And thanks for including my link. :)

Anna Demko said...

Great post!

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