October 17, 2012

if you *actually* want things to change

This is the only time I’m going to address politics here this year: 

Regardless of your political views or opinions, have them. Have your opinions. 
Post ten updates about every debate or commercial aired. Whatever. 
Please, be involved with the process. 

But, coming from a former politics student, do *not* make yourself out to be a giant political activist if you just started tuning in these past few months. 
Do *not* act like your vote is going to change the world. 
Vote. Make your friends vote. It’s incredibly important. 
But in our system it’s literally impossible for one man to change the course of our country, so if you want to get involved, start paying attention to smaller politics. Listen to local political agendas. 

Neither Obama or Romney can promise all they do, and neither of them can “fix” everything
We have a tri-part political structure foe exactly that reason - 
so that no one man can do all that.
You want change? You want hope? You want jobs and a good economy and better systems in place?

Actually pay attention, and look further than the presidential race if you actually want to know what’s going on in the county – if you actually want things to change. 
Look at lobbying groups, look at congressmen, look at state senators and local supervisors. 
Don’t rely on one person to run the country. 

You’re doing yourself, the country, and our entire political system a giant disservice if you do.

1 comment:

Amanda Schroeder said...

i couldn't agree more. Seriously though.

amanda @ we and serendipity

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