October 24, 2012

really, the title is appropriate

When I started this blog, back over a year ago (how did that happen??), I settled on the decidedly ambiguous name of "What Now, Life?" Mainly because I honestly had no idea what was going to happen after college, and partially because I like sounding gangster in my spare time. Whatever. 

Anyway, that weird title has never been quite so true as it has the past week. I've been feeling caged and a little cornered lately - like I'm somewhere I never wanted to be and have no intention of staying. Like my job is a giant soul-sucking waste of time, and that I'm bored, and slowly growing complacent. And that's a hard feeling for me to deal with. My mom has always told me, since I was born practically, that I need to be challenged in life, and it's true. I'm not one for boredom. I guess that makes me kind of a nomad? 

Over the past week or so, all that has changed drastically. There are some big - and I mean REALLY BIG - announcements that I have to make :) No babies, no marriage (ye gods), but still, very big things for me, and I'm so excited to have them to share. 

In the meantime, I will tell you this: that I had the most incredible weekend and am looking forward to yet another one (my first post-grad homecoming!!), that I got to see my incredible friend Molly that I studied abroad with, and that I've refined the techniques of "hawk dancing." 

Oh, yeah. And the cat is still a raging biotch. 

1 comment:

Amy said...

I TOTALLY know how you feel! That's how I felt right before I changed jobs, like I just wasn't being challenged enough. Can't wait to hear your big news!! And you look so cute in all of the pics from the weekend!

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