October 26, 2012

letters, then

It is the very, very BEST day of the week, you guys. A day with a lot of promise and excitement! Because tomorrow is SATURDAY! Which is the second best day, in my humble opinion. And it's going to be a very big weekend, with lots of planning for future-y type things. It needs to be five o'clock, like, right now.

One: Dear Lily - you have a face that only a mother could love. Lucky I like you.
Two: Dear self - facemask more often. Duck lips, less often. 
Three: Dear A - I love you. You don't even know. I love that everyone who comes into my office sees that note on my white board and smiles. 
Four: Dear Texxy - same to you. And afternoon porch naps.

Dear Inna - thank you for letting my take pictures of you and your beautiful boy. I hope I can be half the mother you are, someday. And thanks for feeding me, two days in a row. You know I will never, ever, turn down free food. 

Dear five o'clock: LET'S GOOOOO!


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