February 29, 2012

bloody pirates


So my brother sent me a joke today, while I was at lunch.
I love jokes. 
And this one sent me into gales of laughter.
Gales, I tell you.
I snorted. Then my whole body jerked upright. And I started convulsing.
If if sounds similar to a seizure, you'd be correct. 
But my sisters knew it was only a laughing fit, and wanted in on the joke.
So I shared it with them, and they loved it.
We are all so very mature.
So without further ado, or fanfare, or anything else, here it is:

So a pirate walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sir, you have a steering wheel in your pants!" The pirate replies, "Arr, I know, and it's driving me nuts!!"

So there it is. And if you found it hysterically funny the way I did ... you're welcome.
And if not, well. 
There's just no accounting for good taste ;)

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