August 01, 2012

life recently (in photos)

I suck at taking impromptu pictures. Posed pictures, yes, absolutely, I will whip out the Nikon any time you say "photoshoot." But I am the worst at remembering to take pictures of the everyday stuff. I'm working on it (pinky promise). Here is life for the last week or so, according to my phone and little red camera.

shoe shopping at DSW with my Juliefriend. Yes, I bought these. Yes, they were $18 on clearance instead of $145 retail. I actually shrieked in joy.
 My pretty mama outside at sunset

"first thing in the morning" hair
making friends with the stupid cat
Chels and I staging our own "personal protest" outside of Chick-fil-a. Neither one of us actually swings that way though.
Dora, my new office plant, courtesy of IKEA. Behind her, the saddest view ever ... outside my window, another window. Into another office. sigh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the photo of you and your cat :) So cute. I love cats!
And I can't believe you got those shoes for soooo cheap. That's awesome. I wishhhh we had dsw in Germany. Ahhh sometimes I just wish we had the shopping America has :)

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