August 06, 2012

this was hard to do.

No one ever said growing up would be easy. No one said finding an apartment would be easy. Thank God. If someone says that to me, I’ll punch them.

On Thursday I found out that the girl I was looking for apartments with can’t afford to do it anymore.
Friday afternoon, I found a place that I loved with every ounce of myself.
On Saturday, A’s entire family drove up from Maryland to look at the apartment of my dreams with me, I fell even deeper in love and put a deposit down on it.
On Sunday I found out I got the apartment.
Sunday night I realized that even though I loved it, I could just barely afford it. I could but it would be a lot of barely scraping by.
So this morning, I had to let it go.

I cried a lot about it. I want so badly to be independent, in a place that I love.  
It seems like I keep getting close, and then it slips away again.
It is so frustrating.

I guess this is adulthood though - learning how to give up what you want dearly now for the promise of a better future.


Unknown said...

How was I not following your blog? You are so darn cute. That quote is amazing. I feel like it can be used in any context you want it to. Thanks so much for sharing!

Amanda @

Amy said...

Ah, apartment hunting can be SO tough! I know we had to do it TWICE last year, because our first place got infested with termites (fun, right?). I totally believe that everything happens for a reason though, and am sure you'll find a place that you love! Can't wait to see pics when you do :)

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