March 26, 2012

view of a Monday

Because I'm too lazy to wear big girl clothes today

Downing these suckers like it's my job, since my body decided I should get allergies
for the first time in 22 years
Awesome sauce.

Best at home, non-damaging whitening product I've found yet

I obviously own too much makeup

Note from A in class perfectly describing my current scholarly situation

My body still hurts from all those dance rehearsals and trying dougie like I'm not a white girl on Saturday night, so my workout today is some Pandora dance station and rocking around my room like Tom Cruise in Risky Business. Not embarrassing at all.

A likes to leave me notes in my binders, especially when we're sitting next to each other in class. He's done it ever since the fall, before I even really knew him. Every one of them makes me smile, and some make me laugh aloud. He is such a fantastic human being.

Hope everyone's week is off to a grand start!

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